Yesterday, at the Chilean Embassy, celebrating the life of poet and activist, Consuelo Riveres-Fuentes.

It is always exhilarating to see the work of poets and writers celebrated and honoured. Yesterday, the Chilean embassy in London did just that. The ambassador, a woman herself talked about the Chilean piet and women’s rights activist, Consuelo, who was present in her wheelchair and listened to the people who knew her and honoured her worked.

In the Q&A section, I thanked her and the embassy for inviting me, as chair of Exiled Writers Ink and also as an Iranian and told them of my love of their country and the fact that translated a book about the 1973 military coup and compared it with our situation in Iran now. I told them that the recent uprising in Iran is led by women and it is the first revolution led by women.
There was a lot of sympathy and support. A lot of those present talked to me in the break and asked about the situation. Hope we can overcome the dire circumstances in our country and free our country of the evil which is taking over the country.

The most beautiful music of the Americas!

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