International Coalition Against Violence in Iran (ICAVI)
In 2009, the International Coalition Against Violence in Iran (ICAVI) is established by a number of Iranians who believe in the need to stop the growing violence in Iran. The coalition enjoys the support of individuals, groups and organisations who uphold the universal and indivisible principles of human rights as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.
ICAVI rejects all violent and repressive acts, be they institutional, legal, physical, psychological, or verbal as a means of attaining social, political, cultural or personal goals at the expense of individuals of all backgrounds, groups (such as women and children), or ethnic and religious minorities.
ICAVI is against capital punishment and denounces extreme forms of it as practiced in Iran, such as stoning to death and will strive to abolish it. It also denounces state-sponsored murders, kidnapping, detention, rape, torture and imprisonment without trial or trials without the presence of a lawyer and long sentences without legal justification.
ICAVI believes that state’s institutionalisation of violence, regardless of its forms and degree, legitimises the proliferation of traditional, socio-cultural forms of brutality and encourages crime and criminality in Iranian society.
ICAVI Charter
- ICAVI believes that profound changes can be achieved through a long-term, non-violent and peaceful educational process.
- ICAVI believes that widespread violence takes many forms, and exists at many levels in the Iranian society. It has proliferated in recent decades and reached an alarming scale.
- ICAVI believes that social change and the elimination of violence can only be achieved through respect for human life and dignity, the elimination of all violence-based laws, and the promotion of the rule of law based on international codes and standards and through peaceful means.
- ICAVI believes that Iranian people are equal, irrespective of their race, colour, sex, wealth, language, religion and beliefs, ethnic or social orientation and status.
- ICAVI embraces the UDHR and reiterate the following:
No one shall be subjected to torture, nor shall they face cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.
Anyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until legally proven guilty in a public trial at which they have enjoyed all guarantees necessary for their defence.
No one shall be deemed guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence under national or international law.
ICAVI believes that all Iranians must have the right to:
- Freedom of expression and assembly
- Freedom of opinion and belief
- Freedom of movement, travel and residence
- Freedom of choice in education and employment
- Freedom of marriage and/ or cohabitation, with the entitlement to equal rights during and after its dissolution.
- Freedom of self-expression and choice, in particular as relates to dress.
ICAVI Strategies
- Participation in and contribution to the ongoing debates within Iranian civil society on reform of the legal system, shift in attitudes towards crime and punishment and bringing the law to the international standards.
- Educational work, research and campaigning through conferences, workshops and events.
- Appeals to the international community for support in dealing with the situation in Iran.
ICAVI invites all groups, organisations and individuals inside and outside Iran who, share all or part of its vision, values and charter to join it on the peaceful road towards the elimination of all forms of violence which have plagued the Iranian society.
Let us remember Sa’adi of Shiraz who wrote:
“ As created from the same essence
children of Adam are one body
Adam and soul.”
Let us follow the road of:
- Mahatma Gandhi in India, who believed in non-violent resistance and the power of truth (SatiaGraha).
- Martin Luther King in the US, whose dream was to eliminate discrimination in the American society,
- Nelson Mandela in South Africa, who forgave his jailers and paved the way for the Truth & Reconciliation Commission.
- Mayread Corrigan Maguire in Northern Ireland who campaigned for a non-violent path to end violence.
- Leyma Gbwee in Liberia, who campaigned to end the 14 years war in her country.
Let us agree with Jaleh Esfahani of Iran who said:
“Desire the best in life
for, every victory
was a wish at birth.”
This is our way forward. It is Iran’s Road-Map in the twenty first century