Category: Article

The situation in Iran in the next century. A talk at a conference: Iran in the millennium.

Azadi Network presents

On the morning of October 8, Azadi Network in collaboration with Lib-Dem MP, Sara Only invited organised an early morning breakfast meeting with a number of MPs and other political figures in the terrace...

Iran has a new president! Hooray!!!

Every 4/5 years since the Islamic state took power in Iran we have had elections to choose a new president. The matter of “choice “ in Iran is open to interpretation. The choice is...

We are almost there!

It is more than 6 months that Iranians inside and outside of the country have demonstrated their anger at the murder of a Kurdish young girl, Mahsa Amini in the police custody for not...

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

This year for us Iranians living outside of Iran is unique. On the one hand we ate in mourning for the loss of so many lives who are bring murdered by the Islamic regime,...