The coffin of a journalist was stolen on arrival in Iran
We oft hear of bizzare things which these days are happening in Iran, but stealing a dead body is beyond all imagination.
Anyone who hears about such horrific act of total cruelty wonders why the authorities snatched Reza’s body? The Islamic regime, unable to control waves of demonstrations across the country resorts to the most cowardice act and takes its revenge from a dead body. Words cannot express the cruelty of those in power. But we all know that it will not be long before the people send them to the dustbin of history. Soon, very soon Iran will be freed of imposed religion and its archaic order. Until that day. Patience.
Reza Haghighatnejad, an Iranian journalist died of dancer in Germany some weeks ago. Upon the wishes of his family, the Islamic Regime’s consulate in Germany issued relevant documents and his coffin was flown to Tehran. While his bereaved mother and family and friends were waiting at the the airport for hid coffin to be delivered to them for burial, his dead body was snatched away and taken to an unknown place. Now, his mum and family members are in shock to know that the body of their beloved child has been snatched from them without any explanation.